Organisational Change

Organisational Change

So why does Change create so much apprehension? Why do we struggle with the processes? Why are people afraid of its implications? Why do they seem to change one minute and then spring back to old behaviours? What is the secret of making change sustainable in your business?

Does this sound all too familiar?

Perhaps your business model is changing to meet new demands and there is tension between cost control and the need for growth and innovation. You are driving a programme of technological and process improvements to increase performance. Your current managers can cope with managing the status quo but they find leading the changes in your business a real challenge. You've considered using internal change agents but don't know how to select and train them?

You know where you want to get to….But you don't know how to get there.

You want your managers to accept that this is a core leadership capability; you want them to understand their own capacity to influence others and the human impact of change. You want them to support others and get them excited rather than threatened by it. You expect them to be able to manage their own expectations; feel back in control and be able to develop an on-going change capability and resilience. Above all you need to see a significant increase in engagement over an extended time period.

Choose ChangeMaker as your guide:

"Each and every session has been extremely powerful.
You guide rather than dictate, suggest rather than command;
you are flexible according to our needs and build a high level of trust." Alan Hall Director of Service for BT Ireland

Our style models "best coaching practice".

"I highly recommend ChangeMaker to any manager wanting to develop practical coaching skills that really work in a business environment. Learning in a very experiential way really helped me to develop my coaching skills and a good number of the concepts I continue to use – which in my experience is unusual for a training programme!. I regularly coach others within the business and apply the skills I have learnt to help them move forward. The follow-up day really helped to refresh and embed my learning still further."Ruth Newton-Jones
Managing Director
Parfums Christian Dior ( UK ) Ltd

We work closely with you to navigate the journey in line with your vision and values and your change strategy. Our style models "best practice". We "walk the talk" by empowering and encouraging personal responsibility. Our approach gets to the "Heart of Change" so that people recognise themselves, their behaviours and their blockages. Our hands-on business focused projects accelerate the learning and we leave people with simple tools that enable them to repeat their successes. We quickly make people "change-able".

We have extensive experience of InspiringChange in organisations

Here are some of our route maps to Change.
You select the start point and the destination and we will help you work out the route option that is best for you.

"Getting Change into the DNA"

A 3 day workshop leading to a project back in the work-place over the next couple of months, there is a final 2 day consolidation workshop

  • Understand the concepts and challenges of Change
  • Learn some tools and models
  • Apply these tools to real business challenges on course
  • Carry out "sponsored" change projects back at work
  • Report back and appraise progress
  • Make plans for sustainable continuation

"The Heart of Change"

A 2 day workshop

  • Focuses on the behavioural aspects of Change
  • Personal reactions to and impact of Change
  • Taking control of Change
  • Working with Change

"Leading Change"

A 3 day workshop

(Often one module as part of an extended Management Development Programme) Preparing managers to lead Change with their people Business focused "real-life" projects

ChangeMaker can help create a Framework that enables everyone within the organisation to cope with change.

Some executives would be happy if they could just create change of any sort, let alone sustainable change! Creating change however is no different to creating anything else. You need, the right ingredients and the commitment to follow the steps in the recipe. Anyone who has even tried to assemble a piece of IKEA furniture knows only too well the fun that you can have if you have all of the ingredients but you choose to ignore the recipe!

To create sustainable change you need five simple ingredients:

  • Vision - a simple, clear and tangible description of what things will be like after the change. Explain it simply by using specific examples of employee or customer experiences.
  • Skills - the skills that you have within your organisation are perfectly aligned to the results that you are achieving today. If you want to change you will not only need the skills to change but also the skills to work in the new world.
  • Incentive - not only do you need to know what the company will gain from the change in order to keep energy focussed on the change initiative, each and every employee needs to know what's in it for them to change!
  • Resources - change is an extra-mural activity, you still have to keep the business going! You need the right budget and the right team to ensure that momentum is maintained.
  • A Plan - not just for the first few months (change is seldom that fast!).
    To see what happens if you miss out one of the change ingredients see the table on the left.

ChangeMaker helps senior executives create a vision for the organisation and clarify the process of change. We can help produce a clear communications plan, committing everyone to the changes, avoiding rumour and fostering positive attitudes.

Management must also learn how to manage the personal worries, uncertainties and long term fears of people and, often the hardest task of all, they must become role models for change.

With ChangeMaker you can learn how to manage the process of change and reap the benefits rather than struggling to survive the changes and suffering the consequences.